Stone Town also known as Mji Mkongwe (Swahili for “old town”) is the old part of Zanzibar City and is located on the Western coast of Unguja, the main island of the Zanzibar Archipelago.
The Stone Town of Zanzibar is a fine example of the historical Swahili coastal trading towns with increasingly artistic importance in East Africa. Its architecture is dating back to the 16th century and is reflecting the diverse influences underlying the Swahili culture with a unique mixture of Arab, Persian, Indian, and European elements.
Stone Town is a fascinating maze of narrow streets and alleyways which pass numerous old houses, mosques and churches, ornate palaces, shops and bazaars. The culture and history of the place is all around you and you will be carried away by this wonderful Arabic-Swahili style. And get lost over and over again….
Highlights include Beit el Ajaib (House of Wonders), Forodhani Garden, Hamamni Persian Baths, Markets, Palace Museum, The Old Fort, St Joseph’s Catholic Cathedral and the Anglican Cathedral Church of Christ. A number of wonderful cafes and restaurants are also found in Stone Town.
Staying in Stone Town is worth every minute! Plus its easy to explore on foot, no vehicle is needed around town.